Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Discover Your Inner Poet at the Poetry Writing Workshop

A member of the Buena Park Library's Poetry Writing Workshop describes her experience and explains why you should join...
In five minutes you could do many things: brush and floss your teeth, read a page of a book, or prepare a sandwich, just to name a few.  However, for the Poetry Writing Workshop at the Buena Park Library, five minutes means writing an entire poem.  Sometimes it's about love, hate, and friendship, and other times, it’s about time.  Sometimes it’s about none of those things and about the inspirations of life.  It is a challenge to write a poem in such a short amount of time but with the guidance of Juan de Farias (published poet), it becomes an intriguing routine.
In the workshop you can meet interesting people.  You may or may not expect to pursue poetry as a life-long passion, but you will come out of every workshop refreshed and revitalized.  You see, you don’t have to be a “poet” to write poetry.  You can be a person who finds writing poetry a challenge and perhaps, the form of expression which you have been looking for.  Or, you can just be a person who needs to get out of the house!
Regardless of why you attend, the Poetry Writing Workshop is more than happy to accommodate you.  If you are interested, we encourage you to join us on the first Tuesdays of every month in the Guild Bookstore from 6:00pm – 7:30pm.  

 The next meeting is on Tuesday, March 6.  See you there!

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