The Volunteer Guild of the Buena Park Library is having a special sale for the entire month of February 2012. All Paperback Romances will be 50 cents each!!!
Thursday, January 19th, was Edgar Allan Poe's 203rd birthday. Yes, we missed it it by a few days but better late than nevermore (see what i did there?).
And we're not the only ones who missed the festivities. It appears as though the mysterious Poe Toaster's yearly midnight visit to the writer's grave is now a thing of the past.
Nonetheless, Poe's legacy as a master of mystery and horror, and as one of America's first great writers, endures. Did you know that his "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is widely considered to be the first modern detective story? Did you know that the Baltimore Ravens were named after his most famous poem?